Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Benefits of wearing a mint necklace


Tulsi garlands are usually worn by devotees of Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna. There are two types of mint. Krishna Tulsi and Rama Tulsi.

Wearing the rosary of Rama Tulsi boosts the confidence of the mind and evokes sattvic feelings. In this way the wearer is able to perform his duties

Wearing a rosary of Krishna Tulsi seeds gives peace of mind and positivity in the mind. This leads to spiritual, family and material progress. It increases devotion to God

Mint is a wonderful medicine that improves blood pressure and digestion. It calms the mind and purifies the soul. Cleanses the body and increases vitality. A person can get relief from indigestion, fever, colds, headaches, skin infections, brain diseases and many other diseases related to acidity. It also protects against infectious diseases.

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

A Google app to control children's mobile usage

 It is now possible to see children drowning in a mobile phone. With the online class‌, the phone is in their hands.

No matter how much attention is paid, children will cut off their parents' eyes and sign some misdeeds. What if we can control our kids' phone from our phone? Google has set up such a system. Parents can see what their children are doing through their phone. Google has released a special app for this.

Family Link (Google Family Link for Parents) is an app that allows parents to control the phone their children use. Please note that when downloading the app, you need to download the Google Family Link for Parents app on your parents' phone. Download the Google Family Link for Children and Teenagers app on your kids' phone. Complete the process by entering the mail ID and other information on the parent's phone.

After downloading the app on the child's phone, log in to the ad account with the child's mail ID. Then link to the parent account. Enter the password for the child's mail ID and complete the process. By doing so, the Review app will clearly show you which apps the kids are using on their phone. Children will not be able to uninstall this app from their phone as the child's phone is connected to the parent's phone.

If the child tries to delete the app, the request will go to the parents' phone. This app can only be deleted from a child's phone if it is approved by the parents. Parents can clearly see which app their children use the most on their phone. If they use YouTube more, parents can set the timing on their phone. Once the timing is set to 15, YouTube will no longer be open to children beyond that time. . The timing of each application can be set in this way.

Here is Samsung to shock

 The Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra is one of Samsung's most anticipated smartphones in the market.

The Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra will be one of the most anticipated smartphones in the market early next year.

 Another thing to note is the S Pen features of these smartphones. One of the notable features of this Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra smartphone is the S Pen.

These smartphones will come with a large 6.8 inch AMOLED display

Similarly, these smartphones are given a stylish design.

๐Ÿ•‰️ Sree Ayyappa charitham ๐Ÿ•‰️ Group Dance ๐Ÿ™

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